Wednesday, 4 January 2012

New year, new start..?

I've always thought new years resolutions were pretty pointless, mainly because I've never been able to stick to them, but also because I figure that if I want something to change that badly I'll make it happen when I want it to, not just because I've entered a new year. This year, however, I thought that I'd try setting myself a few targets - nothing major, just small things.

1) Push myself out of my comfort zone more often 
For too long now, I've stuck to doing things I know I like and going places I know I'm comfortable in, and I think now is the time to change that. If I don't take risks or try new things, I could miss out on so much. I'm not talking about drastic changes, I'm still far too wimpy for that but little things might just start the ball rolling. Of course, I'm no doubt going to back out of doing most things that make me feel uncomfortable but if I reach the end of the year having done a handful of things I wouldn't have done last year, I'll be a happy girl.

2) Try and be more positive
If you ask anyone who knows me, they'll tell you that all I ever do is look for the negatives in any situation. If I'm honest, it kind of works for me; if I expect disappointment, I'm never disappointed because everything is always going to be a bonus, y'know? The problem is that being so negative takes its toll on you after a while, so I think it's time for a change. I'm not going to claim that I'll be super positive because I know that's something I'll never be, but I could definitely get away with being less of a miserable, little, git. Watch this space!

3) Take the stairs instead of the lift more often 
When I said they were small targets, I wasn't lying. Most people opt for 'join the gym' or 'lose weight' but that's far too much pressure for me. This is something I can do with my every day life, (I live on the 3rd floor in a block of flats, y'see!), and it won't seem like a massive change but I'll still reap the rewards. Who knows, it might even make me want to start exercising! Okay, I can't see that happening either...

4) Try harder with university
The key word with this would be 'harder'. I put my all into every piece of university work I have, I always have and I always will because, deep down, the idea of failing terrifies me. I'm just tragic with timekeeping and starting work. So this year, hopefully, that will change. This isn't something I'm expecting to change straight away, I'm going to have to work at it which, given that I leave in May, might prove hard. At least it's something that will prove useful in life, timekeeping skills and organisation skills etc. 

I guess those will do for now. If I think of anything else throughout the year, I'll add that to the list, but I'm not expecting all of these to be achieved by next year; that's unrealistic and foolish. I know me, I know how I work, and I know that change isn't something I welcome with open arms - it never has been. So I know that all of the above is going to take me time to get used to, and I know I'll no doubt go back to my old ways with them all. Having said that, I also know that I've got some amazing people around me right now who'll help me through this year and many more to come, I hope.