Friday, 30 March 2012
Justin Bieber - Boyfriend
I've never really understood the hype around Justin Bieber. He can sing but he's hardly the most talented male singer on the planet, in my opinion anyway. This song just proves me right. It's awful. I'm fairly certain he couldn't sound more like Justin Timberlake if he tried - although Justin Timberlake's better.
Usually with songs, I try and listen to the lyrics as much as possible but after the "rapping" at the beginning of the song, I struggled to even pay attention to the most of the song. I'm aware that he's young and wants to try new things but he should probably stick to what he's good at - singing. I'm also aware of the fact he's growing up, so he's bound to sound different vocally compared to his first released - 'One Time' - but it seems like he's losing what made him special. I'm not entirely sure what that was in the first place either.
The beat's catchy and it's probably going to get stuck in peoples heads however, unlike other songs, it's not something that's ever going to grow on me.
Overall, it's about a 1/5.
Justin Bieber,