Sunday, 24 February 2013

I think we've got a plan...

It's no secret that I blog sporadically; some times I'll blog loads, other times I disappear for weeks or months. So I've decided to try and be a bit more structured and, to do this, I'm introducing...


It looks a little something like this:

Music Monday's
Tuesday's Treat
Wicked Wednesday
Tuneful Thursday
Fiction Friday

To make it a bit clearer, Monday's and Thursday's will hopefully be reviews of albums, EP's, or singles that I like. They might also just be me wittering on about an artist I've recently found or a song that I used to love when I was 12. Either way, they're going to be music related because that's where my main passion lies. 

Tuesday's will be looking at something that has brought a smile to my face or based on something that I want to purchase/have purchased recently. A little treat for the week, I guess you could say. 

Wednesday's will be either a rant about something that's annoyed me recently (there's usually plenty of things) or it'll be about something I'm really hyped up about. This could cover a number of things but that's good, right? It helps to keep it less boring. 

Finally, Friday's will be looking at book's. I always have a book on the go that I'm reading. So this will either be me reviewing a book I've just finished, talking about the book I'm reading at the time, or about a book I'm excited to read. 

As you can see, although it introduces a bit of a structure, there's still room for me to be a bit spontaneous about the content - there's just a basic guideline I follow. This doesn't mean I'll be blogging every day, although I will try to. It just means that when I blog, we'll know what to expect. 

Right... Time to get cracking with some writing, I think. 

Catch you soon, lovelies!