Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Wicked Wednesday - Book Series'

Okay, I know I've been super bad at uploading new posts every day like I hoped I would but that's because I've been pretty busy recently. Worry not, I'm back with a vengence and I have a whole heap of blog post ideas to keep us in business for a while. 

So today's post is going to be about BOOK SERIES' because, quite frankly, I've ignited a love for them recently. 

It all started when I read The Hunger Games Trilogy last year some time. I whizzed through them - in fact, I read one a day. That's just how good they were (and a testament to how much spare time I had back then), I couldn't put them down. So, yes, I read them, I loved them. Hopefully I'll get round to doing a review some time or maybe a comparison between book and film, who knows? Either way, you should read them. Go on, treat yourself to them... They're available HERE from Amazon.

Last week, I started reading the Uglies series by Scott Westerfeld. I read the first one in two days (including being at work) and I started the second one yesterday. I'm loving them! I love that I can spend longer with some great characters and learn more about them instead of it all being over when the first book finishes. Does that make sense?

There are four books in this series - Uglies, Pretties, Specials, and Extras - I'm yet to get my grubby mitts on the last one but all four are available HERE on Amazon.

What do you think... Do you prefer series or just one-off books? 
Do you have any series that you'd recommend?