I've been feeling so restless and bored of London recently, and I don't know what's brought it on. I know that London's a great city, I appreciate the brilliant views that I can see from my window, or from the top of a hill in Greenwich park, I just need to get away from it all for a bit.
However, there's a problem with that, well, two if we're honest:
1) I don't exactly have the luxury of throwing money away on trips here, there, and everywhere. I have to think about when I finish university and won't have a job, so I need to save as much as possible (although, my recent spending spree on iTunes would probably suggest otherwise).
2) I have so much work to do for university and I don't want to fall behind like I did last term, so getting away would be tough.
It's just so frustrating. This feeling, this restless "I'm a bored Londoner, get me out of here!" feeling, happens once in a blue moon, but when it does it literally consumes my life. It's all I can think about; where I'd go, who I'd go with, what I'd do when I was there, etc. It's ridiculous, because chances are if someone offered me a trip out of London, I'd probably refuse it. Y'see, I love London too much to leave it sometimes. Even though it frustrates the life out of me, even though I don't like the attitude of most of the people I stumble across during the day, it's my home and I can't leave it.
There is, however, a faint light at the end of the tunnel... David goes on tour with the McFly boys soon, which will be exciting for him because he bloody loves it, but I'm also hoping I can tag along to one of the places and stay with him there. I don't necessarily want to go to the tour date, just go to another city and spend time with him there. At least that way, if I'm ill or whatever whilst I'm there, I trust that he can, and will, look after me.
Not just this, but I'm hoping to plan a little weekend away with my best friend, Katie, soon. She doesn't know it yet, but I definitely want it to happen. Katie doesn't particularly like trains, so it could take some convincing (send me all the luck and positivity you have!) but I'm sure we'll reach some sort of arrangement. It'd be awesome to go somewhere new and exciting with her.
Anyway, the point of this post was that I can't be the only one who gets the overwhelming urge to flee their hometown, can I? Furthermore, there's no way I can be the only one who wants to leave, but wants to stay at the same time, right..?