Sunday, 22 January 2012
Song of the day (22/01/2012)
I used to hate Los Campesinos! until a particular David Spearing came along and forced me to listen to them. Okay, slight exaggeration, he didn't force me to listen to them, he just listened to one song so much that I became intrigued and gave it a listen myself. It wasn't this song, it was "Songs About Your Girlfriend", which took a little while to grow on me. Now, however, I love it and I have a lot of respect for them as a band. Their album, "Hello Sadness", is brilliant and all the songs on there are definitely worth a little listen. This particular song, "Life Is A Long Time" was stuck in my head for the first few hours after waking up today. One line in particular, "You know it starts pretty rough and ends up even worse and what goes on in between, I try to keep it out of my thoughts" stands out but I can't quite think why. Perhaps it's because it's something I can relate to, who knows? Either way, this is definitely my song of the day... You should check it out!!
Los Campesinos,
song of the day